
Guest Interview: Author J.K. Coi

Today my guest is J.K. Coi, an Ellora’s Cave author with a new release, Dark Immortal (Book 3 in the Immortals Series). 

Welcome to Susana’s Morning Room, J.K. I love chatting with authors, especially fellow Ellora’s Cave authors!

Author_low res for webWhat inspired you to start writing? I was at home when my son was still really young, but old enough to be sleeping well through the night so you don’t get interrupted for feedings and changes every hour. And I remember thinking that the television choices SUCKED! LOL I knew I could entertain myself much better by writing my own stories.

How long have you been writing? I’ve been writing forever just for fun. But professionally, it’s been about 5-6 years.

What advice would you give to writers just starting out? Don’t get impatient. Take the time to really learn your craft. If you’re going  to do it, do it right. Put out the best product you possibly can.

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it? Sometimes I try to go over the work I’ve already written and tweak it as I try to figure out where I’ve gone wrong, but if that doesn’t work to get the juices flowing again eventually I just have to write something—anything—anyway. Even if it’s crap I can fix it later.

What comes first—the plot or the characters? For me it’s usually a bit of both. I’ll think of a character in a very specific situation, and I’ll have to build the story around that scene. Sometimes, by the end of it all that originating scene isn’t even part of the book anymore.

Are you working on something at present that you would like to tell us about? I’m working on a few contemporary projects, a little break from the paranormal which is really nice! But I hope to get back to the world of the Immortals soon to write the fifth book.

What did you want to be when you grew up? A ballerina, of course. And an astronaut. And a police officer. And a teacher.

What is the one modern convenience you can’t do without? My laptop. It’s my precious. 

Thank you so much for having me as your guest today. I had a fantastic time!!

J.K. Coi

About Dark Immortal (Book 3 in the Immortals series)

DarkImmortalDiana freed Alric from his prison and the insanity his captivity inflicted on him. She healed him with her passion, and now she lies broken after a vampire attack, locked deep inside herself where he cannot reach her.

The huge, muscled man leaning over the strange bed where Diana awakes is straight out of nightmares full of blood and pain. Yet she is drawn to him, her body yearning for him even as her mind struggles to make sense of a lust she can’t recall.

Alric has no intention of giving up on the woman who never stopped fighting for him. His one hope is that she will heal and remember under his familiar touch and given time. But with a demon god poised to tip the balance of power, time is not on their side.

Ellora’s Cave:

About the Author

J.K. Coi is a multi-published, award winning author of contemporary and paranormal romance and urban fantasy. She makes her home in Ontario, Canada, with her husband and son and a feisty black cat who is the uncontested head of the household. While she spends her days immersed in the litigious world of insurance law, she is very happy to spend her nights writing dark and sexy characters who leap off the page and into readers’ hearts