Attraction of Opposites: Viki Lyn and Formula For Love

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About Formula For Love

Kenneth Hailey, an uptight conservative mathematician, believes he’s in control. After all, every problem can be solved in a deliberate and logical manner. Even love. When his fiancée dumps him for his best friend, he leaves Manhattan for the West Coast. What better place to forget his past. It’s 1967, and San Francisco is the place to turn on, tune in, and drop out.

But is he ready for Rose Red?

Rose Red, a free-spirited flower child, challenges Kenneth, thrusting him into her world of love-ins, protest rallies, and rock concerts. Kenneth finds himself falling down a rabbit hole, hanging on for dear life.

Old habits die hard, and he retreats, but Rose Red has other plans for him.

Musa PublishingAmazon Kindle


MEDIA KIT formulaforlove-200Rose sat on the porch step and rubbed her tired feet. She’d spent two days finding this place, but was unsure how she would be welcomed. The apartment complex was split level and three stories. It was north of the Berkeley campus, one block away. The gardens were well tended, and she admired the Mediterranean stucco facade and windows trimmed in blue. Classical music blasted from an open window, and she guessed it was coming from Kenneth’s apartment.

Rose stood and tried the front door to the hallway. It was unlocked, so she walked in and climbed the flight of stairs to the third floor. She flicked her hair off her shoulders and adjusted the strap of her cloth purse. Biting into her lower lip, she rapped on the door, unsure why she had come here. If she dug into the truth of the matter, she missed Kenneth. At least she had to apologize for railing on him and ruining the love-in.

The door swung open, and Rose took in Kenneth’s appearance. He certainly wasn’t expecting anyone. Biplanes flew over his sleeves and chest and down his legs. In his boyish pajamas, Kenneth looked cuddly and utterly adorable. Rose suppressed the urge to wrap her arms around his waist and give him a hug. Instead, she stepped forward in hopes to be asked in.

Kenneth rubbed his stubble. “This is a surprise.”

“I caught you in bed. Are you alone?”

He looked down at his attire. “You think I’d wear these if I were with someone?”

Rose grinned at his obvious displeasure at being caught in his pajamas. They looked well-worn from numerous washings. They were silly and she loved that he wore them anyway. This childlike side of Kenneth appealed to her nurturing heart and reassured her she’d done the right thing by coming here.

About the Author

There’s nothing better than reading a good book over an espresso, watching a movie, trying out a new restaurant with close friends or laughing hysterically with my sisters. Some of my favorite movies reveal the truth, that I am a sentimental girl at heart: When Harry Met Sally, Something’s Gotta Give, Latter Days, Lord of the Rings, Sense and Sensibility and North and South (the BBC series).

What inspires me – the reality that romance between lovers is a hope more than a guarantee. My stories are an eclectic mix of contemporary and paranormal, but it is always romance that drives the story to its final happily-ever-after.


15 thoughts on “Attraction of Opposites: Viki Lyn and Formula For Love

  1. Interesting time period. I’m looking forward to reading what Rose has in store for her uptight man. Nice excerpt 🙂
    lorih824 at yahoo dot com

  2. It is a beautiful excerpt..I especially like the pajamas. They establish a part of the character that is strongly sweet.

  3. Good morning and thank you Susana for hosting my book today! I loved writing about Rose Red and her uptight professor. It was fun setting the book in the late 60’s – I have a thing for early 20th settings when I write m/f romance. I will pop back to answer questions. Have a great day!

  4. Thank you all for commenting. Yes, I love that Kenneth wears boyish pj’s that are his favorites. Makes him less ‘stuffy’ and vulnerable. 🙂

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