Alexa Grace: Profile of Terror

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Alexa will be awarding a signed copy of PROFILE OF TERROR with a $25 Amazon Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click here for the Rafflecopter. Click on the banner above to follow the tour and increase your chances of winning.

About Profile of Terror

A missing coed named Abby Reece.

Two clever thrill killers are committing the most brutal, public, and horrifying abductions and murders in the county’s history.  The killers, known as the Gamers, have done this before, and are now upping their evil game to a new level.  The question is — can they be stopped before they kill again?

Things get complicated.

When an ex-girlfriend goes missing, Private Investigator Gabe Chase is obsessed with finding her.  But once her naked and posed body is discovered, the investigator becomes the investigated.  His passion for the victim’s beautiful sister is a complication he doesn’t need, as he helps solve the county’s most baffling, terrifying murder cases ever.

Add a sociopathic serial killer who calls himself the Master.

A serial killer so deadly, the FBI’s behavioral analysts want to know when and why he began killing, as well as the identification and location of additional victims.  He will speak only to former federal agent, Carly Stone, a woman he blames for his capture.  When the profiler finds herself at the mercy of this ruthless killer, his becomes the most terrifying profile of all.

Profile of Terror

Three chilling villains, two passionate love stories, and pulse-racing suspense with startling plot twists keep readers on the edge of their seats from page one of this heart-pounding and unforgettable romantic suspense.

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Going down the stairs, Kaitlyn felt a little ball of need that burst to life in the pit of her stomach that could only mean one thing — she was physically attracted to Gabriel Chase, Private Investigator.  Seriously?  She gave herself a little shake.  No way.  She could not be attracted to this man.  Sure, the man was hotter than hot, and had a body designed purely to give a woman hours and hours of female pleasure.  But if he dated her sister, like Dr. Ramsey told her, he must be operating on less than half his brain power, and have no sexual scruples.  Why?  Because that was Abby’s kind of man — eye candy on her arm on campus, no pressure from him for a real relationship, and like her, only in it for the sex.

MEDIA KIT profileofterror_400x600 copyGabriel Chase was an amazing specimen of masculinity, who could undoubtedly get any woman he wanted.  She wanted a man who only had eyes for her.  And if he were the least bit attracted to her, it was probably for a one-night-stand.  And if there was one thing Kaitlyn didn’t want, it was a fling.  She wanted to settle down with a man who was both a lover and a best friend — someone who was in it for the long haul.  She wanted happily ever after.

Compared to her sister, Kaitlyn was a Girl Scout with a badge in chastity.  Okay, she wasn’t completely chaste, thanks to Mitch Bargo, her no-good ex-fiancé, who’d turned her world upside down.  And not in a good way.  Just the thought of Mitch sent her stomach swirling and her teeth gritting.

Kaitlyn got into her car, plopping down in the driver’s seat, slamming the door, and then locking it.  As she turned the ignition on, a thought sizzled through her brain.  Knowing Abby as well as she did, she was convinced that Abby dumped Gabe.  As if she enjoyed it, her sister always had to be the one who broke up the non-relationship.  Abby didn’t have relationships.  She hated the thought of being with any man more than a couple of weeks.  So if Dr. Ramsey was correct and Abby dated Gabe for a month, it was highly unusual.  For Abby, boredom always set in, and it was time to say good-bye.  Abby had a way of breaking up with a man that didn’t include sensitivity or empathy.  The harder they took the break-up, the more she enjoyed it.

Her mind raced with all the possibilities, and one of them went on repeat.  She couldn’t get rid of the thought, fear, or whatever it was.  What if Abby used her typical lack of finesse to break up with Gabe and she angered him so much that he made her disappear?  If a private investigator specialized in finding people, he could be a master in knowing how to make people vanish.  Right?

About the Author

MEDIA KIT Author photo copyAlexa Grace began her writing journey in March 2011 when the Sr. Director of Training & Development position she’d held for thirteen years was eliminated. A door closed but another one opened. She finally had the time to pursue her childhood dream of writing books. Her focus is now on writing riveting romantic suspense novels.

Earning two degrees from Indiana State University, Alexa currently lives in Florida. She’s a member of Romance Writers of America and Sisters in Crime.

Her writing support team includes five Miniature Schnauzers, three of which are rescues. As a writer, she is fueled by Starbucks lattes, chocolate and emails from readers.

Alexa Grace is consistently listed in top twenty of Amazon’s Top 100 Most Popular Authors in the categories Romantic Suspense and Police Procedural.  In 2013, she was named one of the top 100 Indie authors by Kindle Review. A chapter is devoted to her in the book Interviews with Indie Authors by C. Ridgway and T. Ridgway.

Her books Deadly Offerings, Deadly Deception, and Deadly Relations are listed in e-retailer’s Top 100 Bestselling Romantic Suspense and Police Procedural Books.  Deadly Offerings has not left the top ten bestselling free mystery romance and police procedural books since 2011.

Deadly Holiday, published in November 2012, is her holiday-themed romantic suspense novella, featuring all her Deadly Trilogy characters.

Alexa Grace’s book Deadly Relations is included in the bestselling book set The Perfect Ten along with Dianna Love, Norah Wilson, Nancy Naigle, Andrienne Giordano, Misty Evans, Sandy Blair, Mary Buckham, Tonya Kappes and Micah Caipa.

Profile of Evil, the first book of the Profile Series was published in May 2013. Profile of Terror was released in May 2014 and Profile of Fear will be released in 2015.

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24 thoughts on “Alexa Grace: Profile of Terror

  1. When you read Alexa’s books you’ll understand why she’s consistently in the top 100 authors for police procedurals. She’s so good!

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