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May Williams and “Riveting His Attention”


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About Riveting His Attention

Jim Ferguson hides from his past and focuses on his future until Lady Ella Harwich rivets his attention.

Lady Ella Harwich is capricious. At least that’s what her older brother thinks. However, when it comes to Jim Ferguson, Lady Ella is quite serious. One long, lingering kiss put Jim at the center of her romantic desires and at the top of her list of suitors. And she plans to keep him there. Unfortunately, Jim wants off her list because of a secret past, a career as a shipbuilder instead of a gentleman, and his own inability to resist her. Proving her love—and his worthiness for her love—is Ella’s only way to rivet his attention.

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“Is this about money?” Ella asked. “I have money of my own or will when I come of age. And I know there’s a decent sum set aside for my dowry. My brother has made that clear.”

Cover_Riveting His Attention“I’m not living on money I don’t earn.” Jim’s yearly wages from Edmund’s company were more than his family made in twenty years of running the inn. Money itself wasn’t the issue. He had more than he needed now and the expectation of increased earnings as the business expanded.

“Stubborn. I like a man who knows his own mind. It’s one of the many things I admire about you. Heroic, too. Giving up the woman you love for noble reasons.”

“I never said I loved you,” he said, exasperated. How did women make everything so complicated?

Her eyes widened. “I’ll correct myself for now. Giving up the woman who loves you. Better?”

“No,” he spit out, irritated at himself and her. She’d perceived his weakness and gone in for the kill.

“Because it’s true?” Somehow, she’d made the space between them evaporate. When had she put her hand on his chest and tilted her face up? “Kiss me, and then tell me you don’t love me.”

A stronger man might have been able to resist her. He imagined himself picking her up to set her aside, but he couldn’t. When his hand encircled her waist and tipped her back as though to lift her, he crushed her closer. His other hand sank into the silkiness of her hair, demanding her lips meet his.

A victorious smile crossed her face before their mouths connected, but he didn’t give a damn if she thought she’d won.

SUSANA SAYS: Delightful Victorian romance with a touch of suspense: 4/5 stars!

SusanaSays3Although barely nineteen years old, Lady Ella has the confidence and maturity of a much more seasoned lady. Instead of pouting or planning revenge when the man of her dreams rejects her time and time again, she refuses to believe it’s because he doesn’t care for her and sets about discovering the real reason so that she can eliminate it as a problem.

Of course, Jim Ferguson knows that Lady Ella has lived a charmed life among the wealthy and privileged, so she can’t possibly understand how unsuitable he is to be her husband. And if she should find out the secret of his past, he knows she’ll despise him, as will the rest of the world should the secret be revealed.

In many ways, Ella is rather naive, in that she believes she can win her man by using such stratagems as stalking and flirting with other men. But to Ella’s credit, she never waivers in her certainty that Jim is her soulmate. It is only when that love is tested by adversity and hardship that Ella shows she has the strength of character to withstand anything life throws at her.

Jim’s test is to face the truth about his past and move on with his life. But if the truth comes out, the life he has built for himself may be crumble like a house of cards. He couldn’t bear the pain of seeing Ella tainted along with him. Could he?

This story is well-written, flows well, and the characters are likable—except for the villain, that is. I heartily recommend it for readers who enjoy romantic tales with historic English settings.

Riveting His Attention is the second book in the series. Ruffling Her Skirts, starring Ella’s older sister, is the first, and Raising Her Hopes, which stars Jim’s younger sister, will be coming out shortly. I liked it enough to purchase the rest of the series!

About the Author

May loves romance. Big pink roses, chocolate hearts, sunset walks, but, most of all, she loves romance novels. She’s been reading romances since she first discovered the public library where the librarians didn’t notice or didn’t care what she was checking out even though she hadn’t hit puberty yet.

Since then, May has continued to read every genre of romance, but she writes mostly historical. Places and time periods have stories to tell. And she likes to listen. Her most recent novels are Victorian era pieces where she can imagine beautiful gowns and elegant teas.

When May’s not writing, she manages a houseful of children, pets, and flowers grown in her garden.

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